Didn't like the delivery and packaging at this place
Delivered pizza was totally messsed condition we thrown it in dustbin as it was not in condition that it can be eqt,, kindly refund my money back
Didn't like the delivery and packaging at this place
Delivered pizza was totally messsed condition we thrown it in dustbin as it was not in condition that it can be eqt,, kindly refund my money back
Loved the quality and packaging at this place
Loved the well-trained satff, safety precautions, quick service, and easy payment process at this place
Loved the variety of options, safety precautions, helpful staff, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the variety of options, safety precautions, helpful staff, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the quality, delivery, and packaging at this place
Loved the ambience and crowd at this place
Loved the range of products, prices, friendly staff and location at this place