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● Customer need to login to the link Visit https://www.sonyliv.com/signin on your mobile web browser or website.
● This E-Gift voucher can be redeemed only once.
● This E-Gift voucher is valid only for online redemptions.
● E-Gift voucher cannot be transferred for value or re-sold or redeemed for the cash.
● magicpin or their affiliates are not responsible if a E-Gift voucher is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission.
● This E-Gift voucher is issued and is the property of by Culver Max Entertainment Private Limited India (CMEPL) (formerly known as Sony Pictures Networks India Private Limited).
● For the extra validity offer, the user needs to purchase the respective pack to get the benefit of additional validity.
● This E-Gift voucher cannot be used/clubbed with an existing subscription/offer on the SonyLIV app or website or any other source.
● E-Gift voucher will only be valid for use when accessed through the designated link, and cannot be applied through the application. Any attempts to apply the voucher through the application will not be valid.
● Already active users can redeem this code after the expiry of the current pack or via a non-subscribed SonyLIV account. It is not a credit/debit code.
● In the event of a payment gateway failure or transaction failure while completing a payment on the website, the associated E-Gift voucher may be temporarily deactivated, and the transaction will be rolled back within 48 hours.
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