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30 Answers
Most interesting job
A book you would recommend
Worlds best boyfriend
Your favorite sport
A city you'd want to live other than your own
Your guilty pleasure
Ice cream, pizza, vobbat
Name someone who is a must follow on Quora
No idea
Best song released in recent years
Don't you worry child by swidish house Mafia
Currently playing in your earphones
This feeling by chainsmokers
The first website you visit in the morning
A sport you'd want to be great at
A fashion brand you love
Allan solly.
The most awesome cartoon character from 90s
Goku from dragon ball z
A movie that made you cry
Avengers endgame.
You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?
Charlie pulth
Best TV show of all times
Game of thrones..
Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?
Anu malik
What's your (alcoholic) drink
I dont drink
A quote you love
Work in silence, let success make the noise
Food you'd never give up on
Pizza, ice creams
Your favourite hangout place
Mc downalds
Something you think is over-rated
Your favorite app is
A TV series you are currently watching
Stranger things season 3
The coolest living person
Bhuvan bham
Something you'll never eat
The coolest thing you own
My Personality
The trend you wish had died already
Baggy pants, low waist pants
The cutest thing in the world
My bae's smile 😍
A celebrity you'd want as a friend
David beckham
A useless subject you're an expert in
Killing time.