Loved the variety of options at this place
The name is more than enough
29 Answers
A useless subject you're an expert in
Your question is useless. Change it with some sensible question.
Food you'd never give up on
Iskcon की खिचड़ी
The most awesome cartoon character from 90s
All of them
A book you would recommend
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The trend you wish had died already
All the reels and selfie trends
Your favorite sport
Are you a Tea or Coffee person?
Coffee at times
A quote you love
You Reap What You Sow
Most interesting job
Communication Trainer
A movie that made you cry
Schindler's List
A sport you'd want to be great at
Name someone who is a must follow on Quora
Find it yourself
The coolest living person
My Father
What's your (alcoholic) drink
Sober for last 4 years, will die sober.
The first website you visit in the morning
Something you'll never eat
Any meat
Currently playing in your earphones
Radhe Radhe Govind, Govind Radhe by Vinod Agarwal
The cutest thing in the world
Radhe Shyam ki yugal jodi
A TV series you are currently watching
Peaky Blinders. I know I am late.
Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?
Pakistan ka Ali Sethi. अब तो कुछ लोग भसुड़ी से जानने लगे हैं।
Something you think is over-rated
Success, beauty and confidence.
The coolest thing you own
A fashion brand you love
You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?
Deepak Tak
A celebrity you'd want as a friend
👑 Kohli
Best song released in recent years
Krishna Gopal Hari, Jay Nand Ke Laal Hari.
Your favourite hangout place
Any Hindu temple
Best TV show of all times
A city you'd want to live other than your own
Loved the variety of options at this place
Loved the variety of options at this place
Amazing articles
Superb service
Loved the quality of service at this place
He was at wrong location
Loved the ambience, safety precautions, taste, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the quality, service, and safety precautions at this place
Well trained staff
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the variety of options at this place
A lot of varities
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Amazing Store
Loved the food and service at this place