Abhinav Chamoli


Abhinav Chamoli

are we there yet?


24 Answers

Saket, New Delhi

Sector 29, Gurgaon

Abhinav Chamoli's popular posts!

24 Things about Abhinav Chamoli

A book you would recommend

Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy

A celebrity you'd want as a friend


Are you a Tea or Coffee person?

Why isn't beer an option?

The cutest thing in the world

People trying to oversmart trolls online

Your favorite sport

Super Contra

Currently playing in your earphones

Paradise by George Ezra

A quote you love

"The average person farts 14 times in a day" - thefartfacts.com

Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

How do you delete a question?

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Rahul Gandhi

Your favorite app is

Is this a trick question?

The coolest thing you own

A dream.

Your guilty pleasure

Pulling boogers out of my nose

A useless subject you're an expert in

Content Writing

The coolest living person

SRK...cause he is thanda thanda cool cool

A TV series you are currently watching


You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

Dalai Lama

The first website you visit in the morning


Best TV show of all times


A movie that made you cry

Schindler's List

Something you'll never eat

MAYBE I WILL. No one can judge me.

What's your (alcoholic) drink


Most interesting job

Desi ear-wax remover

Best song released in recent years

Aloo da Parantha by Baba Sehgal

The trend you wish had died already

*insert name* Photography pages