Loved the quality of service, ambience, cleanliness, and taste at this place

Foodie Boy , non-veg lover especially Gavran type 😋
Loved the quality of service, ambience, cleanliness, and taste at this place
Didn't like the quality of service, safety measures & cleanliness, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the variety of options, safety precautions, and helpful staff at this place
Loved the variety of options, safety precautions, helpful staff, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the price, promotions, & discounts at this place
Loved the taste at this place
Loved the quality of service, ambience, safety precautions, and taste at this place
Best in Class Food and Services.
Loved the quality of service, ambience, safety precautions, taste, and price, promotions, & discounts at this place