25 Answers
A sport you'd want to be great at
Something you think is over-rated
Kim Kardashian.
Your guilty pleasure
Burgers n fries.
Food you'd never give up on
Aloo paratha!!!
Something you'll never eat
Non veg...
The trend you wish had died already
The fucked up pout selfies.
A useless subject you're an expert in
Buckchodi...i can talk on and onon any subject..
The coolest living person
Mr modi..
A movie that made you cry
Name someone who is a must follow on Quora
The coolest thing you own
My husband
A book you would recommend
Any book is a good read it depend upon ur tast e
A celebrity you'd want as a friend
Kareena kapoor
The first website you visit in the morning
Times of india
The most awesome cartoon character from 90s
Jerry and mogli
Your favorite app is
A fashion brand you love
Best TV show of all times
Your favourite hangout place
India habitat centre
Currently playing in your earphones
I do not use earphones..but yeh i m plauing i m d albatross.
Your favorite sport
A TV series you are currently watching
I love lifestyle channels primarly TLC
A quote you love
If u want to rule this world thn b a slave first.
What's your (alcoholic) drink
I love whisky in hot water...its wiered but that how i like it.
You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?