Rahul Gandhi S


Rahul Gandhi S


22 Answers

22 Things about Rahul Gandhi S

A movie that made you cry


You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?


A sport you'd want to be great at


Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?

Sri (telugu play black singer)

The coolest living person

My bro

Food you'd never give up on

Anything from my mom's hand

A TV series you are currently watching

Tarak mehta ka ulta chasma

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Tom and jerry

A quote you love

The world runs on results but not on ressons

The coolest thing you own

Harmful emotions are always under control

What's your (alcoholic) drink

Non alcoholic

Your favorite sport


The first website you visit in the morning

No certainity

Best TV show of all times

Criminal minds

A city you'd want to live other than your own

My own city

A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Pawan kalyan

A fashion brand you love

John players

Something you think is over-rated

Recent Apple iPhones

Something you'll never eat


The cutest thing in the world

When people cross the barriers of region religion caste creed

Your guilty pleasure

Annoying my beloved ones

A useless subject you're an expert in

Expert in none