null. Didn't like the outlet experience, wrong item(s), delivery, and packaging at this place
Loved the packaging, delivery, quality, and product range at this place
Didn't like the outlet experience at this place
Very less quantity & item not good... Burn.
Didn't like the outlet experience, missing item(s), and wrong item(s) at this place
Didn't like the outlet experience, delivery, and packaging at this place
Didn't like the outlet experience, delivery, packaging, missing item(s), and wrong item(s) at this place
Why coooking instructions not followed..
Didn't like the packaging, outlet experience, and delivery at this place
Very bad!!!stale food & also hair present in my Chowmein!!! Totally dissatisfy with service!!
null. Didn't like the packaging and delivery at this place
Didn't like the delivery and wrong item(s) at this place
Didn't like the delivery, packaging, and outlet experience at this place
Why cooking instructions not followed.. I told you please do not make spicy?? Why you not followed.. Next time please follow all my instructions except this.. Totally dissatisfied with your service..
Didn't like the packaging at this place
Open packaging.. Please check the order while send to shop.. Cold food received through open packaging....
Didn't like the outlet experience at this place
Need to work hard more on momos.. Too salty
Didn't like the outlet experience and delivery at this place
null. Didn't like the delivery at this place
Didn't like the delivery and packaging at this place
null. Didn't like the outlet experience, missing item(s), wrong item(s), and delivery at this place
Didn't like the missing item(s) at this place
Didn't like the delivery, packaging, missing item(s), wrong item(s), and outlet experience at this place
Very bad!!!