17 Answers
A fashion brand you love
A celebrity you'd want as a friend
Selena Gomez and Deepika Padukone
Most interesting job
Skincare and Fragrance Review
A sport you'd want to be great at
The coolest living person
Deepika Padukone
A book you would recommend
Death of a Salesman
The trend you wish had died already
Torn Jeans
You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?
Deepika Padukone
The cutest thing in the world
Love, peace and hope
A quote you love
I love me
A TV series you are currently watching
Emily in Paris
Something you think is over-rated
High-end Luxury Product
A useless subject you're an expert in
Expert Advice
Best TV show of all times
Shark Tank
Currently playing in your earphones
The coolest thing you own
Books and Fragrance
Food you'd never give up on
Indian, Italian and Indo Chinese