Tarun solanki


Tarun solanki

ahmm shit here we go again🤦

26 Answers

26 Things about Tarun solanki

A movie that made you cry

avengers infinity war

The coolest thing you own

my fuckin coolest shoe nike air jordan1

Best song released in recent years

Heat waves

The coolest living person


Your favorite app is


A sport you'd want to be great at


A celebrity you'd want as a friend

ranveer singh

Something you think is over-rated


The first website you visit in the morning

Pyhton coding

Currently playing in your earphones

butterfly effect travis scott

Best TV show of all times


Your favorite sport


Food you'd never give up on

rice and chicken

Are you a Tea or Coffee person?


A quote you love

good sex no stress one Boo no ex small circle big checks🤍

Your guilty pleasure

ahh nothing

A fashion brand you love


You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

my momma

Most interesting job

software developer

A TV series you are currently watching


Your favourite hangout place

my home

Something you'll never eat

onion pizzq

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

goku dragon ball z

Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?

M zee bella

The cutest thing in the world

mumma talkin's

What's your (alcoholic) drink

Jack denials