Didn't like the outlet experience and delivery at this place
I've received cold pizza and cheese is not spread properly
Didn't like the outlet experience and delivery at this place
I've received cold pizza and cheese is not spread properly
Didn't like the outlet experience and delivery at this place
My order got very delayed to deliver and it's totally cold and a waste of money
Didn't like the missing item(s) at this place
I've ordered cheese burst Pizza but I didn't receive cheese burst Pizza. Need to talk with customer support
Didn't like the wrong item(s), packaging, and missing item(s) at this place
I've ordered Full Chilli Garlic Noodles and have received Half of it and I've ordered Half Chilli Paneer and received a Quarter of it. And even the taste of food is very spicy
Loved the quality, packaging, promotions, and product range at this place