High rate to much

Didn't like the outlet experience and missing item(s) at this place
Didn't like the outlet experience and packaging at this place
Didn't like the missing item(s), wrong item(s), packaging, outlet experience, and delivery at this place
Don't order from this restaurant a worst resturant ever only rates high not a quantity
Jitni baar bhe order Kiya hrr baar thanda meelta hai beekar restaurant don't order from here
Didn't like the outlet experience, delivery, packaging, wrong item(s), and missing item(s) at this place
Duniya bhar ke to charges hee hote hai tumhare isee acha Mt kro sell
Didn't like the outlet experience, delivery, packaging, and missing item(s) at this place
Don't sell any product rates High rhko handling charges to aise lete ho jaise haat me pakd ke rhkte ho order isee acha to order hee na kru
Didn't like the wrong item(s), missing item(s), packaging, outlet experience, and delivery at this place
Worst pizza rate was so high isse acha guu khalo pr Inka pizza Mt kahna
Didn't like the delivery, packaging, missing item(s), wrong item(s), and outlet experience at this place
Worst resturant ever don't care of customer worst resturant
Didn't like the outlet experience, packaging, and delivery at this place
Beekar restaurant sbse jada bss rates high hai ghatiya restaurant chee
Didn't like the packaging, delivery, and outlet experience at this place
Band krdo shop bss rates high hai tumhare
Didn't like the outlet experience, packaging, wrong item(s), missing item(s), and delivery at this place
Beekar momos bss rate bdha ke rhka hai
Bc chipka hua momos rehta hai nikalo to phat jata hai
Veggie finger is best please extra sauce diya kro
Loved the quality at this place
Epic tha really but please thoda price down kro
Loved the delivery and packaging at this place