Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the promotions & discounts at this place
Loved the quality of products, safety precautions, variety of options, location of store, and promotions & discounts at this place
Didn't like the outlet experience at this place
Food is not good
Loved the delivery, quality, promotions, product range, and packaging at this place
Didn't like the wrong item(s) at this place
Ordered 1 cheese burst chicken tikka stuffed pizza and received both garlic bread