Nitish Walia


Nitish Walia

I'm Seriously Sarcastic and Sincerly CrazY.


30 Answers

Rohini, New Delhi

DLF Phase 3, Gurgaon

30 Things about Nitish Walia

The most awesome cartoon character from 90s

Swat Katz and Goku

A TV series you are currently watching

Breaking Bad

Your guilty pleasure


Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?


A fashion brand you love


The trend you wish had died already


A book you would recommend

Laws of Success - Napoleon Hill

A sport you'd want to be great at

Flying Kites

The first website you visit in the morning


Best TV show of all times


Your favorite app is

Show Box

You can be anyone in the world for one day only. Who would it be?

Great White SHARK

Are you a Tea or Coffee person?

Nimboo Panni

Food you'd never give up on

Mom hand made

Your favorite sport

Flying kites and Cricket

A celebrity you'd want as a friend

Vidhyut Jamwal

Currently playing in your earphones


What's your (alcoholic) drink

Jack Daniel on the rocks

Your favourite hangout place

My desktop

A movie that made you cry

50 shades of Grey

Best song released in recent years

I dont need nobody

A city you'd want to live other than your own


A quote you love

A MAN who doesn't spends time with his family can never be a Real MAN

Most interesting job

Shark film shooting

The cutest thing in the world

My Niece Prisha

The coolest thing you own

Being Sarcastic all times

Something you'll never eat


Name someone who is a must follow on Quora

Changez Khan

A useless subject you're an expert in

Wasting Time

The coolest living person

Anil my cousin Brother

Hashtag junkies

Frequently used hashtags by Nitish Walia
#Beardstyle #Dining #Prisha #BestofBreweries #ChaikiChuski #ChaikiChuski #JazzToBe #SavouringPaan #DriveToEat