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Dec. 27, 2024, 12:22 a.m.
At Bestseller India, we believe in nurturing leaders who thrive under pressure, think innovatively, and rise above challenges. SEAL 2024 was all about this spirit — a simulated tactical training program designed to push our sales team out of their comfort zones and into the unexpected.

This season, our colleagues trekked, waded through water, built solutions, camped under the stars, and climbed to new heights — literally and metaphorically. With limited resources and immense challenges, they faced not only the task at hand but also their inner inhibitions, proving their mettle.

The mantra? "Breakthrough – No Limits."
SEAL 2024 tested endurance, resilience, and adaptability, emphasizing that victory comes when we stretch beyond the limits, silence excuses, and embrace the unexpected.

Let’s get a glimpse of this thrilling programme and relive the adrenaline, the teamwork, and the triumphs of SEAL 2024!

#SEAL2024 #LeadershipDevelopment #BreakThroughNoLimits #Sales #Fashion #RetailinIndia #ThisisBESTSELLER #BESTSELLERIndia

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