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March 25, 2023, 1:25 a.m.
Join us on March 23rd, 2023 at 4pm to hear from our chairman and founder of Dr Batra's® group of companies, Padma Shri Dr. Mukesh Batra, as he discusses persistent cough and its remedies!

With the increase in air pollution, the likelihood of developing a cough has also increased. Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat cough, boost the body's immunity and reduce its likelihood of recurrence the homeopathy way.

Don't forget to tune in to our brand page and watch it LIVE!

#drbatras #drbatrashomeopathy #homeopathy #thehomeopathyway #cough #respiratory #coughremedy
magicBuzz at Dr Batra's - Homeopathy Clinic, Sector 29,  photos

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