Tanvi Kanani profile pic
Tanvi Kanani
Aug. 26, 2020, 4:22 a.m.
Laddoos for Lord Ganesha πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
#ganpatiutsav #sweettooth #foodstop #foodaholic
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ABDUL HAADI profile pic
In fact, LADDOO is for mankind only, NOT for God or Lord ! All Praise & Glory is to RealGod "The Creator" ALone, Born2None, Living Forever, immortaL, depends on Nothing ~ No Air, No Water, No Food, No Gender, No Spouse, No Children, No Sleep, No Slumber, No Difficulty, No Tiring... ONE RealGod is All_Knowing, All_Controller, All Mighty, All_PowerfuL, All_Programmer, All_Planner, All_Blesser, All_Reckoner, All_Rewarder, All_Punisher, All KindfuL... One RealGod created unbelievable Life & Death, you were nowhere few years ago, Living today but will certainly end up with no trace to find ! RealGod created unbelievable Time & Space, created innumbereable different Tastes, and buds to recognise & enjoy Tastes. RealGod created Joy & Grief, Pain & Comfort, created Planets without support/pillars, Created you and All, with innumerable Provisions, Blessings for sustainable survival with regular Feeding, Nourishing everyone, with wonderful Reproduction of identicaLs. All Glory is to RealGod "The_Creator" Only ! RealGod is seen by None, but Felt by everyone, it is fully & truthfully well defined Only by the Glorious QUR'AAN for mankind to know & believe. Lord/God is ONE who Created Everything in the Universe and Beyond... Shun False & Bogus Bhagwan/God/Lord. Don't assign Deputies/Partners to ONE RealGod. Discover, Understand, Recognise, and Glorify/Praise/Worship Only RealGod The CREATOR" who has Created the whole universe with billions & trillions of different Creations uncountable therein. It's The QUR'AAN alone that guides & describes The TRUTH for mankind to understand. Think over seriously and urgently Accept The TRUTH before your eyes are shut forever !
1Β year, 1Β month ago