Pratik Panchal profile pic
Pratik Panchal
Nov. 9, 2022, 3:02 p.m.
#SlayVacayLook #ShopperStop This is my recent vacation picture taken in Goa. A vacation, or holiday, is a leave of absence from a regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, usually for the purpose of recreation. We decided to take one such vacation at Goa as beaches have always been my favourite. Holidays are to relax...forget the daily routine life and create memories. #MySummerLook would include shorts from my favourite brand #BHClothing and a cool tshirt complementing my shorts. Wearing a maroon color tshirt from #BHClothing bought from #shoppersstop along with baby pink color shorts from Being Human. This gives me a perfect #slayvacaylook and #MySummerLook19 this season #vacaymodeon #goa #beaches #ootd #slaying #goldmagicianswag #proudgoldmagician #tomuchfun
Pratik Panchal at Shoppers Stop Online, ,  photos

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