#FoundAwesome Well as I understand that for Bumper Hashtag Of The Week, A Video is required, but if some Awesome Pics are also posted, what's harm in that.. This is "The Beer-O-Sphere Wall" of the famous Beer Cafe Chain.. Most of Us are aware about this Beer-O-Sphere, but for those who are not aware, lemme inform you guys that Brew Points earned on Beer Cafe App are used to get these Awesome Items.. From Amazing Glasses to Mugs, Sonic Foamers, Beer Spiners, Beer Trophy, Cushions that shows Brewing Nature, these perks are literally
#Awesome and simple to redeem.. This proves that Sipping Beer is not that Bad..
#BumperHashtagOfTheWeek #FoundAwesome #PerksOfBeingBeerChugger #HappyWallets