#MagicpinMeetups #MagiciansMeetup My 2nd Meetup , made lot of new friends, played sports to the fullest. √Had so many sport events and most memorable among them was Dizzy kick. √Growing up in a busy metropolitan city like
#Bengaluru it's so obvious that we don't find ample space for playing sports.. √Thanks to the People at Decathlon who organized the sports meet successfully and √Most importantly the prime reason for making our moments more memorable is the Magicpin Bangalore which deserves all the appreciation.👏 √A big appalause to this month's host
Akilesh KR who's humble and energetic for whose presence made all the necessary arrangements of the event easier. √Food from McDonald's, Orion Mall were served, we were so tired that food seemed very good. Was Happy to be a part of
#Team4 the one I was vice captained for.
#LiveSports #HappyHours #SinfulIndulgence #JazzToBe