#JazzToBe #loveforshakes #lovewithsizzlingbrownie . Best place in faridabad to serve pasta and shakes . Most toothie one is kitkat and oreo vanilla #cheesypasta . #yummyflavourful . Place with no sitting but still popula#FrozenDelights
#SavouringPaan #HeavenlyBurgers #BestofBreweries r. #alwayscrowded with prople. Minimum waiting time is always 15 mins . Although the prices are too high just for a glass of shake they charge 140 penny but still the popularity describes this place.. #wafflelove . Burgers are served with french fries. There is no comparison with their french fries...
#HealthyHabits #BestofBiryani #FreshBeer #OldWorldLuxury #ReadersDen