Dates Apple Shake ₹139 Dates Chikoo Shake Seedless dates and sapota/chikoo mixed with cream milk, well packed on disposable glass. ₹129 Dates Shake Fresh collected dates and fresh milk,and venela Clive cream mixed. ₹119 Vanilla Thick Shake ₹139 Oreo Thick Shake Oreo biscuits, ice cream, sugar, chocolate, mixed with cream milk. ₹129 Butterscotch Thick Shake ₹129 Choco Coffee Thick Shake Coffee milkshake blended with chocolate ice cream. ₹139 Choco Vanilla Thick Shake Chocolate milkshake decor with yummy vanilla ice cream. ₹129 Choco Ice Cream Thick Shake ₹139 Choco Thick Shake ₹129