Phulka Roti
Phulka roti is a type of Indian flatbread made from whole wheat flour dough. It is rolled out into thin circles and cooked on a hot griddle until it puffs up, creating layers of soft, fluffy bread. Phulka roti is type served hot and is a staple accompaniment to Indian meals, known for its light texture and wholesome flavor.
Plain Paratha
Indian flatbread made from whole wheat flour dough, rolled out and cooked on a hot griddle or skillet without any fillings. Its brushed with ghee/oil during cooking, resulting in a soft, flaky texture.
Butter Phulka Roti
Butter roti is a type of Indian flatbread made from whole wheat flour, similar to phulka roti. However, butter roti is typiy brushed with ghee or butter while cooking, giving it a rich, buttery flavor and a slightly crisp exterior. It's also a popular accompaniment to Indian dishes.