Classic Dark Chocolate Waffle ₹80 Belgian Milk Chocolate Waffle Freshly baked waffle dipped in milk dark chocolate topped with Belgian milk dark chocolate. ₹90 Classic Milk Chocolate Waffle ₹80 Belgian Triple Chocolate Waffle Freshly baked waffle topped with Belgian milk, dark, white chocolate. ₹110 Belgian Dark Chocolate Waffle Freshly baked waffle dipped in dark chocolate topped with Belgian dark chocolate. ₹90 Belgian Double Chocolate Waffle Freshly baked waffle topped with Belgian dark and milk chocolate garnish with dark sprinkles. ₹100 KitKat Waffle Freshly baked waffle dipped in milk, dark chocolate topped with whipped cream and KitKat chocolate. ₹100 Classic Cinnamon Sugar With Maple Syrup Waffle ₹70 Oreo Waffle Freshly baked waffle dipped in dark chocolate topped with Oreo and whipped cream. ₹110 Velvet Crunch Waffle ₹100