Thalipeeth 18 Mixed [2 Pieces] Mix 18 Prakarace Dhanya Bhajani Thalipeeth , ₹150 ₹97 Sajuk Tup Sheera ₹50 Veg Maggi ₹100 Cheese Pasta ₹95 Masala Maggi ₹80 Dal Bath ₹120 Aloo Matar Aloo matar masala. ₹120 Upvas Thalipeeth Sabudana with rajgira, varai, potato, green chilli, cumin, peanut crushed powder, ghee and thalipeeth. ₹160 2 Bajra Bhakri With Pithala ₹120 Pithla Zunka With With Hirvi Mirchi Thecha ₹80