Al Sahabi
Budget Eats . Cost for two: ₹300
Sector 44, Noida
. Store Timings
Succulent, Boneless pieces of Chicken fried after assorting in yogurt and spices. Served with green chilli, onion salad and lemon.
The word tikka is a Persian word, meaning "bits" or "pieces". Small pieces of boneless chicken are roasted using skewers on angeethi after marinating in Indian spices and curd. Essentially, these are small boneless pieces of tandoori chicken, dipped in white cream gravy with amul butter.
The word tikka is a Persian word, meaning "bits" or "pieces". Small pieces of boneless chicken are roasted using skewers on angeethi after marinating in Indian spices and curd. Essentially, these are small boneless pieces of tandoori chicken, dipped in white cream gravy with amul butter.