Dark Chocolate Ice Cream 125ML
"The perfect cure to every life problem, this rich, delicious dark chocolate makes adulting fun! Go on, try it for yourself! No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 85 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Vegan Dark Chocolate 500ML
"A hearty dark chocolate with chunks of cacoa nibs and ZERO ADDED SUGAR. The creamy, dreamy texture with crunchy inclusions and luscious swirls will leave you longing for more. DAIRY FREE | GLUTEN FREE | ALMOND PROTEIN Trust us when we say You wont believe it’s VEGAN! "
Chocolate Coffee Fudgesicle (70ml)
Your favourite mochaccino is now on a stick with Zero added sugar. A refreshing and energising treat for summer, this fudgesicle is the perfect way to start or end your day! Dig in first, thanks us later.
Dark Chocolate Ice Cream (500 Ml)
"The perfect cure to every life problem, this rich, delicious dark chocolate makes adulting fun! Go on, try it for yourself! No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 85 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Blueberry Ice Cream 125ML
Our latest collaborative flavour is with India’s first blueberry farm - FARM2FAM. Locally grown near Talegaon Pune, these berries are fresh, residue free and of an international quality and variety. Churned with our low calorie ice cream base, this makes for a creamy dreamy flavour. Yes, it tastes just as great as it looks. Spoon it straight from the tub or blend it with your smoothie, this high fibre low calorie ice cream will be your go-to dessert. 100% vegetarian No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives Per serving: 80 Cal, 6gms sugar, 3gms protein compared to traditional ice creams.