Free Valet Parking
Non Refundable
Valid on:
New users get magicpoints worth ₹500 on signup.
SBM Magnet credit card: 20% off upto ₹100 | Above ₹300
● Magicpin is not responsible for any accidental damage to the car. Avail the service at your own risk.
● Magicpin is not responsible for any theft/break-ins. Please do not leave any personal belongings in the car.
● Please follow all local and government regulations regarding Covid-19.
● Please follow all the valet parking guidelines in-place at the parking are
● You will receive communication from Park+ on successful parking of your vehicle.
● To call for your car, please follow instructions sent to you via SMS
● Vouchers may be refunded by magicpin without any prior notice in case they find any technical/operational issue at the store.
● This voucher is valid only for a physical store visit and not at the time of online ordering.
Sonali Prasad