Egg Torka In 250 Ml
Egg tadka dal is a a majorly popular and one of the most loved dish in india especially in bengal and punjab. It is mostly prepared in dhabas I.E. Indian road side small food stalls, energy (kcal)-513.1, carbohydrates (g)-60.9Total sugars (g)-8.0, added sugars (g)-3.6, dietary fibre (g)-13.6, protein (g)-36.7, total fat (g)-12.7, total sfa (g)-3.5, cholesterol (mg)-366.8, sodium (mg)-3151.2, calcium (mg)-113.4, iron-6.4, vitamin a (mcg)-321.4, vitamin c (mg)-17.6
₹139 ₹118
Chicken Chaap
When the nawabs moved from dhaka to bengal, they introduced awadhi cuisine to bengalis. Chicken chaap was one of those mughlai delicacies which got popularized with time. Energy (kcal)-1364.9, carbohydrates (g)-28.0, total sugars (g)-10.2, added sugars (g)-5.1, dietary fibre (g)-5.7, protein (g)-68.3, total fat (g)-108.8, total sfa (g)-33.6, trans fat (g)-0.6, cholesterol (mg)-169.2, sodium (mg)-4398.0, calcium (mg)-77.3, iron-5.5, vitamin a (mcg)-295.1, vitamin c (mg)-5.6
₹298 ₹253
Chicken Kosha -2 Pcs (Semi Gravy)
Chicken kosha is an age-old bengali way of cooking chicken curry. Like kosha mangsho this one is also high on spice level. Energy (kcal)-538.9, carbohydrates (g)-17.3, total sugars (g)-7.4, dietary fibre (g)-5.0, protein (g)-40.8, total fat (g)-33.8, total sfa (g)-5.7, trans fat (g)-0.3, cholesterol (mg)-109.7, sodium (mg)-2170.3, calcium (mg)-61.3, iron-2.2, vitamin a (mcg)-195.2, vitamin c (mg)-13.6
₹198 ₹168
Egg Special Chicken Torka (250ml)
Chicken tadka dal is a majorly popular and one of the most loved dishes in india especially in bengal and punjab. It is mostly prepared in dhaba\'s I.E., indian roadside small food stalls. Energy (kcal)-453.0, carbohydrates (g)-43.5, total sugars (g)-6.0, added sugars (g)-2.8, dietary fibre (g)-14.8, protein (g)-36.6, total fat (g)-14.0, total sfa (g)-3.9, cholesterol (mg)-325.7, sodium (mg)-2471.5, calcium (mg)-118.2, iron-5.8, vitamin a (mcg)-250.4, vitamin c (mg)-13.7
₹174 ₹147