Alphonso Mango Ice Cream [100 Ml]
The sweetness of the Ratnagiri Alphonso mango folded into rich and buttery creaminess. This summer treat tastes delicious all year round! Serving size - 100ml for 163 Kcal. Allergen: Contains milk and soya ingredients.
₹83 ₹67
Cookies & Cream Ice Cream [100 Ml]
Take a quick trip to outer space with a bite of this rich & creamy flavour. It comes stuffed with cookie crumbles and coolness. Packaged in a cup for a single sweet treat. Serving size - 100ml for 175 Kcal. Allergen: Contains milk, wheat, and soya ingredients.
₹83 ₹67
Triple Chocolate Ice Cream [450 Ml]
Swirls of dark chocolate ice-cream mixed with cookie chunks and choco chips. An ultimate chocolate experience. Packaged in a tub for multiple servings. Serving size - 100ml for 188 Kcal. Allergen: Contains milk, wheat, peanut, and soya ingredients.
₹287 ₹229