Veg Regular Schezwan Burger ₹60 Cheesy Chicken Nugget Roll ₹134 Celebration Veg Regular Schezwan Burger With Cheese Slice Combo 1 Veg regular schezwan burger with cheese slice and select and add any of your favourite items from the "customizations" section. ₹72 Veg Regular Schezwan Burger With Cheese Slice ₹72 Celebration Veg Regular Burger Combo 1 Veg regular burger and select and add any of your favourite items from customization section. ₹54 Cheesy Mayo Chicken Nugget Roll ₹165 Veg Cheesy Cheese Corn Nugget Roll ₹119 Veg Cheesy Mayo Cheese Corn Nugget Roll ₹142 Veg Mayo Cheese Corn Nugget Roll ₹127 Mayo Chicken Nugget Roll ₹143