Dark Chocolate Ice Cream 125ML
"The perfect cure to every life problem, this rich, delicious dark chocolate makes adulting fun! Go on, try it for yourself! No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 85 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Salted Caramel Ice Cream 125ML
"Sea salt meets caramel in a marriage made in ice cream heaven! Caution! People have been known to not stop at one. No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 75 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Chocolate Coffee Fudgesicle (70ml)
Your favourite mochaccino is now on a stick with Zero added sugar. A refreshing and energising treat for summer, this fudgesicle is the perfect way to start or end your day! Dig in first, thanks us later.
French Vanilla Ice Cream 125ML
"Basic but not ordinary – this is a flavour you can’t go wrong with. Creamy and sweet there is nothing like a cool scoop of vanilla ice cream! No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 75 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Dark Chocolate Ice Cream (500 Ml)
"The perfect cure to every life problem, this rich, delicious dark chocolate makes adulting fun! Go on, try it for yourself! No Artificial sweeteners or preservatives. 100% Vegetarian (Per serving: 85 cal, 3gms sugar, 5gms protein compared to traditional ice cream)"
Takeaway Available