Schezwan Chutney₹99 Black Pepper PaneerPaneer cooked in crush pepper with black sauce.₹429 Veg ManchurianManchurian balls tossed with soya and chilli sauce.₹429 Paneer Salt And PepperPaneer cooked in salt and pepper and spring onions.₹429 Chilli Paneer DryPaneer tossed in garlic, onion, capsicum and spicy Chinese style sauce.₹499 Paneer SchezwanFried paneer cooked in schezwan with all bell peppers.₹429 Crispy VegetablesCrispy fried vegetables tossed in tomato, chilli sauce and white sesame seed.₹529 Paneer 65Fried paneer cooked in curd with sour and spicy flavor.₹429 Paneer ManchurianPaneer manchurian balls sauteed and tossed in spicy Chinese style sauce.₹429 Kung Pao PaneerPaneer tossed with bell pepper and cashew nut in hoisin sauce and port wine.₹429