Fizzy ColadaTropical drink made by mixing pineapple and coconut in club soda.₹69 Pacific WaterA cool and refreshing citrusy drink to beat the summer heat.₹69 Ricky MortiniSweet lime and lemony drink to beat the heat.₹79 MelontiniSweet and peppery drink to quench your thirst on a hot sunny day.₹69 Hot ChocolateSteamed milk mixed with coco powder, chocolate sauce and all that good stuffed.₹99 Sunset PunchA relaxing beverage made by combining orange juice and club soda.₹79 Veggie Delite Sandwich₹59 Flat White CoffeeShot of espresso with a flat layer of steamed milk.₹89 Hazelnut FrappeThick nutty shake served with a shot of espresso.₹159 MochaShot of espresso mixed with coco powder served with steamed milk for that chocolaty goodness.₹119