Schezwan Maggi ₹119 Special Pav Bhaji [2 Pav] ₹159 Cold Coffee ₹159 Chilli Garlic Maggi ₹119 Paneer Sandwich The Hungry birds special spicy paneer ₹199 Mumbai Masala Sandwich Filled with tomato mashed & green chilli. ₹119 Veg Sandwich Mix veg blended with mother sauce and toasted with butter. ₹135 Cheese Corn Sandwich Filled with onion, capsicum, sweet corn & cheese. ₹136 Exotic Mashroom Sandwich Large tender juicy mashroom fries spices along with crunchy veggies ₹199 5 Paper Small (6 Inch ) Capsicum, yellow-red bell paper, jalapeno, red paprika, sprinkle with exotic herbs ₹339