Best Lehengas in New Colony, Jaipur
Look for Best Lehengas in Jaipur
Neha Sardana 19 Feb 2021
I love their collection.. Been there many times Got fabric and dresses for all girls, teenagers and women
Harshit Bhasin 02 Apr 2021
{"answers": [{"question_id": 4, "question": "A city you'd want to live other than your own", "answer": "Dubai"}, {"question_id": 5, "question": "Who do you think is the most under-rated singer?", "answer": "Honey Singh"}, {"question_id": 7, "question": "The most awesome cartoon character from 90s", "answer": "Choota Bheam"}], "subtype": "slam_answers", "deeplink": "magicpin://slambook?userId=10591552"}