Mutton Dum BiryaniServed with raita, kachumbar.₹250 Egg BiryaniServed with raita, kachumbar.₹120 Chicken Dum BiryaniServed with raita, kachumbar.₹150 Chicken White PulaoChicken White pulao is specially irani dish.₹150 Jeera Rice₹80 Steamed Rice₹80 Boneless Chilli Chicken Dry₹350 Chicken HaleemHaleem is a type of stew that is widely consumed in South Asia, the Middle East and Central Asia. Although the dish varies from region to region.₹140 Chicken Makhmali Dry₹350 Chicken FryFried chicken has been described as being "crunchy" and "juicy", as well as "crispy". The dish has also been called "spicy" and "salty". Occasionally, fried chicken is also topped with chili like paprika, or hot sauce to give it a spicy taste.₹180