Recommended Sitaphal Icecream ₹99 Indulge in our sitaphal ice cream, crafted with over 50% real fruit fo Loading Litchi Icecream ₹189 Experience the exotic sweetness of our litchi ice cream, made with ove Loading Chocolate Icecream ₹189 Indulge in our chocolate ice cream, crafted with over 50% rich, high-q Loading Alphonso Icecream ₹189 Delight in the luxurious taste of our Alphonso mango ice cream, crafte Loading Strawberry Icecream ₹189 Relish the vibrant flavor of our strawberry ice cream, made with over Loading Jamun Icecream ₹229 Enjoy the rich, exotic flavor of our jamun ice cream, made with over 5 Loading Vanila Oreo Icecream ₹229 Enjoy our vanilla ice cream loaded with over 50% crushed Oreo cookies Loading Choco Brownie Icecream ₹229 Delight in our chocolate ice cream, crafted with over 50% fudgy browni Loading Dry Fruit Icecream ₹229 Savor the richness of our dry fruit ice cream, packed with over 50% dr Loading
Ice Creams Sitaphal Icecream ₹99 Indulge in our sitaphal ice cream, crafted with over 50% real fruit fo Loading Jackfruit Icecream ₹229 Savor the tropical delight of our jackfruit ice cream, featuring over Loading Jamun Icecream ₹229 Enjoy the rich, exotic flavor of our jamun ice cream, made with over 5 Loading Litchi Icecream ₹189 Experience the exotic sweetness of our litchi ice cream, made with ove Loading Chocolate Icecream ₹189 Indulge in our chocolate ice cream, crafted with over 50% rich, high-q Loading Alphonso Icecream ₹189 Delight in the luxurious taste of our Alphonso mango ice cream, crafte Loading Vanila Oreo Icecream ₹229 Enjoy our vanilla ice cream loaded with over 50% crushed Oreo cookies Loading Strawberry Icecream ₹189 Relish the vibrant flavor of our strawberry ice cream, made with over Loading Choco Brownie Icecream ₹229 Delight in our chocolate ice cream, crafted with over 50% fudgy browni Loading Dry Fruit Icecream ₹229 Savor the richness of our dry fruit ice cream, packed with over 50% dr Loading Coconut Icecream ₹229 Indulge in our coconut ice cream, made with over 50% real coconut chun Loading Muskmelon Icecream ₹229 Delight in the refreshing taste of our muskmelon ice cream, crafted wi Loading