Breakfast Place
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Chicken 65 Schezwan Fried Rice
Cal-556.78,Fats-15.95,Carbs-75.24,Protein-28.22 [No MSG] [Brown Rice] [shallow fried Chicken] schezwan Veg Brown Fried Rice paired with the delightful crunch of shallow fried Chicken 65.
Refreshing Watermelon Cooler
Calories-188.10 Fats-0.38 Carbs-48.07 Protein-1.53 [Watermelon] Enjoy the pure essence of fresh Watermelon in every sip.
Power Breakfast Omellete
[Omellete] [Brown Bread] [Babycorn & Frenchbeans] 3 -Whole Egg Omellete with 1 Bread toast + Grilled Vegetables