Whole Wheat Paneer Wrap₹129 ₹83 Irish LatteIrish creme with espresso in steamed milk and creamy, light foam₹159 Vanilla CappuccinoRich, velvety vanilla infused in classic cappuccino₹149 LatteEspresso with steamed milk and velvety, light foam₹129 Hazelnut LatteNutty hazelnut with espresso in steamed milk and creamy, light foam₹159 Hazelnut CappuccinoNutty hazelnut with espresso in steamed milk and velvety, thick foam₹149 AmericanoEspresso with water, no milk (black)₹109 Espresso40Ml shot of concentrated, freshly ground coffee - no milk₹89 Mocha LatteDecadent chocolate combined with classic Latte₹159 CappuccinoEspresso with steamed milk and velvety, thick foam₹119