Rajma Chawal Meal Rajma+Chawal/Roti ₹220 Dal Makhni Meal Dal Makhani+Rice/Tawa Roti ₹220 Chole Chawal Meal Chole+Chawal/Roti ₹220 Punjabi Kadhi Meal Punjabi Kadh+Chawal/Roti ₹220 Matar Paneer Chawal Meal Matar Paneer+Chawal/Roti ₹220 Soyabean Masala Chaap Masala Chaap+Rice/Roti ₹220 Poha Used onion, peanut, green chilli, mustard seeds, lemon juice, curry leaves, sugar, temeric powder, salt and aloo bhujya for garnish. ₹130 2 Oats Cheela With Veggies Used plain oats with seasonal vegetables and chutney. ₹129 2 Besan Cheela With Veggies Besan cheela with seasonal vegetables and chutney. ₹129 Aloo Puri [4 Puri] Aloo puri is favorite breakfast with potato masala curry and puri is Indian fried bread. Served with raita. ₹220