Schezwan Chicken Roll
The hot taste of Schezwan & the earthy flavour of a cold brew is a match made in heaven! Kaati roll that has tender Schezwan chicken with slices of fresh onion and capsicum inside a healthy paratha. (430 Calories)
₹239 ₹179
Chicken Shami Roll
The amazing Shami Kebabs now inside a paratha! These soft kebabs are a blend of chicken mince & lentils cooked to perfection. The crisp soft kebabs are wrapped in a delicious paratha with mint sauce. (530 Calories)
₹249 ₹186
Batata Vada Roll
The iconic Mumbai street food gets a healthy twist! This unique & delicious roll is packed with soft Batata Vada and fresh veggies. A hint of mint sauce & this roll will take you back in time! (490 Calories)
₹175 ₹131
Breakfast Place