Brown Rice With Smokey Paneer Smoked Paneer +Veggie Brownie Rice [Protein: 20 grams, Calories: 265 grams, Carbs: 3.2 grams, Fat: 2.6 grams] ₹259 Veggie Brown Rice With Veggie Salad [Serves 1] Rich Fibre Brown Rice+High Protein Vegetables ₹240 Exotic Veggie Brown Rice Low Carbs Brown Rice+High Fiber Vegetables+Indian Curry ₹185 Almonds Protein Shakes use on (Optimum Nutrition) whey protein isolate 1 scoop ₹180 Peanut Butter Protien Shake use on (Optimum Nutrition) whey protein isolate 1 scoop ₹145 Banana Protein Shake use on (Optimum Nutrition) whey protein isolate 1 scoop ₹180 Healthy Sweet Milk Oats Oats prepared in milk and add honey for sweetness. ₹130 Sweet Dry Fruit Oats Oats prepared in milk and add honey for sweetness nd dry fruits. ₹149 Healthy Veggie Oats ₹120 The Double-Double Special Burger Double Potato patties between the burger buns, topped with Double Cheese slice, tomato, onion and lettuce with mayonnaise and Homemade souse ₹149