Mixed Dry Fruit Milkshake
[Veg preparation] #HighFiber #Anti-Oxidant #ImmuneBooster Power packed shake combining dry fruits to give you a great energy boost. Including a variety of vitamins and minerals, the drink could enhance your brain health, improve digestion and regulate your blood sugar levels. Quantity: 300 ml Ingredients: Cashew, almonds, dates, raisins, milk & milk-based, optional sugars, Made freshly on every order. No preservatives. No artificial colours. No added ice or water.
Dates Milkshake
#Anti-Oxidant #RegulatesBloodSugar #BrainHealth Dates are a very healthy fruit to include in your diet. They are high in several nutrients, fiber and antioxidants including B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as A1 and C. Quantity: 300 ml Ingredients: Dates, milk & milk-based, optional sugars, Made freshly on every order. No preservatives. No artificial colours. No added ice or water. Recommended: Try the nutritious add-ons for additional health benefits.
Papaya Milkshake
#MaintainsBloodSugar #ImprovesDigestion The nutritional highlight of papaya is a proteolytic enzyme called papain which is an excellent aid to digestion. Being one of the most easily digested fruits, it is an excellent wholesome food for young to old, a rejuvenating choice. Quantity: 300 ml Ingredients: Fruit, milk & milk-based, optional sugars, Made freshly on every order. No preservatives. No artificial colours. No added ice or water. Recommended: Try the nutritious add-ons for additional health benefits.
Banana Milkshake
#ImprovesDigestion #KidneyHealth #HeartFriendly This amazing fruit is one of natures finest carbohydrates because not only do they provide the ‘carbo’ energy but they also contain lots of nutrient rich water to ‘hydrate’ the body. Quantity: 300 ml Ingredients: Fruit, milk & milk-based, optional sugars, Made freshly on every order. No preservatives. No artificial colours. No added ice or water. Recommended: Try the nutritious add-ons for additional health benefits.
Sapota Milkshake
#BoneHealth #Anti-Oxidant #SkinHealth Being rich in nutrients, Sapota (Chikkoo) is a storehouse of Vitamin E, A and C, all of which are great for skin health and has amazing moisturising properties. The presence of antioxidants help in reducing wrinkles and makes your skin wrinkle-free and glowing. Quantity: 300 ml Ingredients: Fruit, milk & milk-based, optional sugars, Made freshly on every order. No preservatives. No artificial colours. No added ice or water. Recommended: Try the nutritious add-ons for additional health benefits.