Maanasa Paradise
Fine Dining . Cost for two: ₹1000
Brookefield, Bangalore
. Store Timings
This is a pulka made with atta and fried without oil the nutritional value of pulka are one phulka gives 55 calories.
Malabar parata plain is made of maida and punched it to the walls of tandoori machine of coal this malbar parata after heating and packed the nutritional values of this parata are value per per paratha % daily values energy 482 cal 24% protein 7.2 g 13% carbohydrates 49.4 g 16%
This is a chapathi similar to a home made this is made of atta and fried with oil the nutritional values of chapathi are a 6-inch chapati contains around 15 grams of carbs, 3 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat and 71 calories.